Rise Of The Beast_ Machines and AI

Rise of the machine
Sunday Sermon Burst
Rise Of The Beast_ Machines and AI
Read Time:4 Minute, 38 Second

Rise Of The Beast
Revelation 13:14-18

13 He did astounding miracles, even making fire flash down to earth from the sky while everyone watched. 14 And with all the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast, he deceived all the people who belong to this world. He ordered the people to make a great statue of the first beast, who was fatally wounded and then came back to life. 15 He was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak. Then the statue of the beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die. Revelation 13:13-15. 081911

The Image of the Beast: Rise of the AI’s

Verses: Revelation 13:14-18

  • Revelation 13:14-18
  • The Deceiver and the Image
  • Worshiping a Creation of Men

These passages speak of a time when a great deceiver will come and convince people to create an image that is given the power to speak and even to cause harm to those who do not follow its laws and decrees. The ancient scriptures use these words to describe what the people of the world will do; they will worship the beast. To worship a creation of men. A scientific achievement that will be the first of its kind on this planet. An image of a man brought to life. This image will look like the beast, it will even sound like the beast, and it will be given the ability to think like the beast. Remember that this great deceiver, a man of flesh and blood, will be so wicked, so defiled that the scriptures describe him as a beast. 081911

The Image of the Beast and AI Development

In recent years, we have seen significant advancements in AI technology, to the point where some machines are capable of speech and even rudimentary decision-making. It’s not difficult to imagine a future where machines are given the power to act on their own accord, perhaps even to the point of causing harm to those who do not comply with their demands. This raises important questions about the parallels between the development of AI and the image of the beast described in the scriptures.

AI in the Medical Field

As a biomedical engineer, I witness firsthand the cutting-edge technology being used in the medical field. Surgical robotics and AI machines are already assisting surgeons in various ways. AI’s potential applications in the medical field are vast. They can help diagnose patient illnesses, suggest treatments, and even assist in surgical procedures. While current surgical robots are handled and guided by humans, there is excitement and ongoing research regarding AI’s potential to perform entire surgeries on patients without any human intervention.

Ethical Considerations as Christians

As Christians, it is crucial to consider the ethical implications of AI advancements. The Bible teaches us to love our neighbors, treat them with respect and dignity, and avoid causing harm to others. However, the idea of machines being given the power to harm others raises challenging questions. How do we reconcile these advancements with our Christian values?

We must approach these ethical dilemmas with wisdom and discernment. While AI has the potential to bring immense benefits to society, we must ensure that its deployment aligns with our moral compass. As Christians, we should advocate for responsible development and use of AI, emphasizing principles of compassion, justice, and human dignity. 081911

FAQs About AI and Ethics

  1. Q: Will AI machines replace human doctors and surgeons?
    • A: While AI has the potential to assist in various medical tasks, it is unlikely that machines will completely replace human doctors and surgeons. Instead, AI is expected to enhance their capabilities and improve patient outcomes.
  2. Q: Can AI machines develop consciousness and self-awareness?
    • A: AI machines are designed to mimic human intelligence, but true consciousness and self-awareness remain elusive. While there is ongoing research in the field of artificial general intelligence, it is a complex and challenging endeavor.
  3. Q: Should we be concerned about AI’s impact on employment?
    • A: The integration of AI into various industries may disrupt certain job sectors. However, history has shown that technological advancements also create new opportunities and change the nature of work. Society must adapt and provide training and support for affected individuals.
  4. Q: How can we ensure ethical AI development and deployment?
    • A: It is essential to establish guidelines, regulations, and ethical frameworks that govern AI development and deployment. Collaboration between experts, policymakers, and stakeholders is crucial in shaping responsible AI practices.
  5. Q: Can AI machines exhibit moral judgment and make ethical decisions?
    • A: AI machines operate based on algorithms and data inputs, lacking the capacity for moral judgment and ethical decision-making in the human sense. However, developers can program AI systems to follow ethical guidelines and principles.
  6. Q: Should we fear AI becoming a threat to humanity?
    • A: While concerns about AI’s potential risks exist, it is crucial to approach them with a balanced perspective. Ongoing research, development, and regulation aim to ensure AI’s safe and responsible use for the betterment of society.


As Christians, we must navigate the rapid advancements in AI technology with discernment, wisdom, and a strong ethical foundation. While the development of AI raises important questions, we should embrace its potential benefits while ensuring that its deployment aligns with our values. By promoting responsible AI practices and advocating for ethical guidelines, we can harness the power of AI for the betterment of humanity while upholding our Christian principles. 081911

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